About Me

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Hey guys - I'm a med student in Sydney and loving studying medicine. But in the meantime I'm certainly head over heels into climbing, so check out our blog here and also our training site (links on the right!). Enjoy! Support us and comment if you like what we're doing - and if you want things to be mixed up, then let us know too!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Decision Making

So yeah, as I stated in the last post I got a spot for CSP dentistry, and after thinking about it for the last couple of weeks I'm reconsidering whether I want to study medicine should I get the spot. Don't think it's all about the money, because it's not! But here's what I'm having in my mind at the moment.

Studying dentistry, you also cover the material in medicine as well, and you still have to know it; it's just you don't get to applying it on as regular a basis. However, the earning power of dentists compared to doctors is insane, just making the working hours and lifestyle better. So what I have been tossing up is, whether I do dentistry first, which gets me a lifestyle and a way of earning money, and then come back and study medicine later? In my mind, it's making sense to me.... The other thing I was also considering was going down the path of either oral surgery or something related in that area, but I'd be interested to see how my opinion changes over the next two/three years in dentistry. And finally, dentistry is a specialty of medicine; you focus on one area and ensure it's being kept in good condition... Worthwhile, no?

*grumbles about suicide rates*

I guess all I'm trying to say is, I've been given an excellent opportunity and have to work with what I've got, and apply myself 100% to make sure I do well in it :) then, I'm sure I'll be able to make my other decisions later.

Monday 5 December 2011

It's been a while

Just something quick - I'm going to try to at least get into the habit of doing this a few times a week during the holidays :)

So far, I've made the step where I've been offered a CSP place at USyd dent! :) Very happy about my achievement, and I'm also quite close to receiving a BMP offer for med there too. So fingers crossed to see what unveils itself over the next few weeks or so.

I thought I'd just leave something up here that's blowing my mind, so have a read. These following two sentences are in fact, correct grammatical sentences; did you think so as well?

The horse raced past the barn fell.

The boy the girl the cat bit scratched died.

... Now I know why overseas students have so much trouble understanding english. Somehow, UNSW seems to be forgiven (slightly) in my eyes -.-