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Hey guys - I'm a med student in Sydney and loving studying medicine. But in the meantime I'm certainly head over heels into climbing, so check out our blog here and also our training site (links on the right!). Enjoy! Support us and comment if you like what we're doing - and if you want things to be mixed up, then let us know too!

Thursday 14 July 2011

Awareness of Emotion? Pffft...

Hey guys,

Today we'll have a short look into the second part of my digression onto familiarization - moving onto the notion of being more aware of emotions; whether they be yours, or other peoples'. Using a really really bad analogy (did I mention, really bad?), we can say something along the lines that women understand emotions much better than men, just because (or i could go into some discussion as to how women have a larger corpus callosum and therefore one potential theory that I made up with a friend at uni was that there was so much cross-talk between the hemispheres of the brain that this would be one of the main reasons why women can't seem to make up their mind half the time. Just sayin'....). True enough, it seems like the female population is more aware of emotion in general and therefore have an easier job at identifying when there is an elephant standing in the room, whilst some a guy on the other hand might have just admitted that his best chick-friend is a whale. ouch.

On the bright side, once you're aware of it (guys), you'll be able to spot that potential elephant in the room, rather than remain completely oblivious that it was there.... Girls on the other hand; it's not so much being aware that there is the elephant in the room, just don't try to bash it until it's bleeding to death. What I mean by that is; show some tact in the way in which you actually deal with emotions... So far in my limited experience of life, some girls tend to really abuse the rut that you find yourself in, or they have a real eagle eye at being able to pick out faults. C'mon guys we're human too :(

But why bother with the awareness of emotion? It's not actually going to make sure that you succeed in life, is it? Well, for one you can have better interpersonal relationships, first of all. Chances are you're more likely to make strong bonds with new friends if you can actually manage to hide back that little snigger when they tell you something that they might feel deeply embarrassed about, or when you're absolutely fuming about something, you don't just crack and unload your pent-up frustration on the nearest living creature. Just be a little bit more tactful and mindful that other people have emotions too; and we should all probably keep them in check. If you want a really good example, think about the best athletes that you know; they are able to keep their emotions in check right until the end of the season, in which they can legitimately let it all out.

Anyway, this is just food for thought.. Let me know what you think; if you think everything I've said is worthless, then let me know; or if you have thoughts yourself, share!

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